"the idea that freedom, acquired here on earth at the price of a thousand – and the most difficult – renunciations, must be enjoyed as unrestrictedly as it is granted, without pragmatic considerations of any sort, and this because human emancipation – conceived finally in its simplest revolutionary form, which is no less than human emancipation in every respect, by which I mean according to the means at every man's disposal – remains the only cause worth serving. Nadja was born to serve it, if only by demonstrating that around himself each individual must foment a private conspiracy, which exists not only in his imagination – of which, it would be best, from the standpoint of knowledge alone, to take account – but also – and much more dangerously--by thrusting one's head, then an arm, out of the jail – thus shattered – of logic, that is, out of the most hateful of prisons."
(André Breton, Nadja. Transl. Richard Howard)