Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Farolismo" / "Showoffism" ...

"Escritor de nome disse dos meus amigos e de mim que ou éramos gênios ou bestas. Acho que tem razão. Sentimos, tanto eu como meus amigos, o anseio do farol. Si fôssemos tão carneiros a ponto de termos escola coletiva, esta seria por certo o 'Farolismo'. Nosso desejo: indicaremos o caminho a seguir, bestas: náufragos por evitar."

(Mário de Andrade, "Prefácio interessantíssimo", Paulicéia desvairada.)

"A famous writer said about me and my friends that we were either geniuses or jackasses. I think that he is right.  We feel, I as well as my friends, the desire to be showoffs.  If we were sheep to the point of forming a collective school, this would surely be 'Showoffism.'  Our desire: to illuminate. The extreme left in which we have stationed ourselves will not permit halfway solutions.  If we are geniuses: we will point the road to follow; if we are jackasses: shipwrecks to avoid."

(Mário de Andrade, "Extremely Interesting Preface." Hallucinated City. Trans. Jack E. Tomlins)

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